PR News on Content Marketing

Four days ago, Steve Jobs former publicist Andy Cunningham spoke at a keynote convention about how memes are one of the best ways to create a digital footprint. She had this to say,

“I do think they should be very short, like three or four words maximum. They need to be very pithy and memorable. And they also need to have some deep connection to the narrative that you’re trying to tell. “

For a person or organization trying to jump start their digital presence, memes can be one of the best tools top use. But….


Cunningham gives us a few guidelines for how to best utilize memes for them to be effective. First she tells us that memes should be about four words max, to myself this seems a little short and it limits a memes potential, but I agree they should be short and sweet. Making a meme be memorable to viewers can be challenging but it is important if you want your content to make a lasting impression. The last thing she tells us is that the meme must have a deep connection and mirror the narrative that your organization wants to tell consumers.

Andy Cunningham is full of useful knowledge about PR and marketing, she uses Twitter as a platform to spread her ideas about PR and marketing. Click here to view her page.



Cunningham, Andy. “Steve Jobs’ Former Publicist Shares a New Roadmap for Content Marketing.” , PR News, Accessed 12 Nov. 2018.

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